Strategy Session - includes Workbook


Do you feel like you own your business or like your business owns you? It’s time to make a change. It’s time to start getting real about all the moving parts of your business and about exactly what tasks you should and shouldn’t be doing. It’s time to learn the tools and strategy that will help you plan and prepare to hire virtual support that makes sense for your unique needs. Your Strategy Session includes a workbook with my strategy for getting clear on exactly what you need from a Virtual Assistant, how much time it will take and the rest of those details you’ve been unsure about preparing for and beyond!

After you’ve purchased your Session, head over to the Contact page of this website and get in in touch to schedule our time together. Put STRATEGY SESSION PURCHASED in the subject of the email and I will get back to you ASAP so we can get started. When we set up our first session, I will send you a Pre-Session Questionnaire to fill out as well as a Workbook to download and your next steps and that is when the real fun begins!

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I’m a Virtual Assistant and I help Entrepreneurs and Business Owners learn the tools and strategies they need to successfully hire virtual support so that they can efficiently and effectively buy back their time and get more done.

With the right strategy, you can plan for and connect with the right virtual support so your results can come quicker, easier. and be more cost effective

If you’ve ever worked with virtual support, you know how much of a game changer it can be. If you have not, let me show you why that is such an important part of a successful business strategy. Either way, you’re in the right place. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the last 10 years providing them with virtual support and I’ve learned a lot about the industry. I’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to hiring virtual support.

With my strategy, you will learn what I wish all of my clients knew before they hired me!