Get real advice from an experienced Virtual Assistant about how to plan and execute a more successful search for the virtual support you need.

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I’d love to show you how easy it can be to get organized and use an easy-to-implement strategy to make a solid plan before you connect with Virtual Support. I will share the insider information that I wish many of my own clients knew before they started their searches for me.

We’ll start with a Strategy Session where I will share a copy of The Guide to Planning for And Hiring a Virtual Assistant (included in the price of a Strategy Session) a workbook that walks you through the process of getting completely organized in every way. With me to guide you through the process, you will be able to get crystal clear on your needs and have a clear plan before you start contacting your candidates. Then, after you go through the process, book a Follow-Up session (or 2) so we can work on any issues that come up and address any concerns.

After you have your plan in place, put the strategy into action, and start delegating tasks, you will start realizing the feeling of owning your business instead of feeling like your business owns you.

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