On Being A Digital Nomad


I think there is a myth surrounding what life actually looks like for a Digital Nomad like myself, so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the difference between one that travels the world with a backpack and a laptop and case of wanderlust following their instincts and the wind…. and the mom with 2 kids who can work from the sidelines of the soccer field or the parking lot at dance practice or from the bed next to their sleeping child when they are home sick for the day. Both Virtual Professionals enjoy the same location freedom, but I think we can agree that they do not enjoy the same lifestyle.

You’ve seen me describe what a Virtual Assistant is here on the website, but what about this term Digital Nomad. I wanted to frame this work in a new way to let you know that ‘Virtual Assistant’ and ‘Digital Nomad’ are just words and can be over used and saturated in our work culture to the point where they can be so misunderstood that people develop such pre-conceived notions about them that those working in the industries that surround them become defeated when they try to explain them.  

The wonderful thing about the online world right now is that the possibilities for creating a career and working online are endless! We are living in a time where the magic of technology allows us to leverage the power and opportunity of the internet and virtually anything is possible with the right amount of ambition and creativity. The downside is that it’s hard to be heard or noticed among the amount of noise and chatter out there. It’s hard to be understood when folks are quick to judge and it’s difficult to reshape opinions when they are formed too quickly without pause to consider all there is to know.


So, what is a Digital Nomad?

A Digital Nomad is a person who uses technology to make a living from anywhere in the world. 

The term nomad may give you a picture in your head of a person who wanders from place to place with few personal possessions and no actual address, but I like to use this term for purposes of describing work instead. 

It’s true, many people who work solely online are free to travel and move more frequently than others tied to a desk job or who are required to be physically present for various work related tasks. But, I use the term Digital Nomad to describe a person who is free of location when it comes to their career.  I’m talking about a work nomad. 

So, I may be working from home one day and enjoying one of the coffee shops on my local circuit the next day. Or, I may be up in the mountains living in my camper, but as long as I have a WIFI signal, I can connect to the internet and conduct business as usual. My location is not important. THAT is what makes me a Digital Nomad. 

The good news is that the internet has opened up endless possibilities for being able to work online which has changed the dynamic of what working means for so many people. The bad news is that there is a misconception that this means you have to be extremely tech savvy to take advantage of this opportunity to find these unicorns online and be able to connect with and work with a Virtual Support Team to help you run your business more efficiently. I’m here to tell you that you can find people of all different backgrounds working nomadically online and looking to support small business owners. There are Virtual Assistants and Virtual Professionals with all types of skill sets looking to work with a variety of different types of businesses and in as many different types of capacities.

So, if you are looking for that extra set of hands to support your business, consider connecting with a Digital Nomad who is out there living their best life and finding a way to support themselves no matter where they are in the world. Whether they are working from their laptop in Bali or the sidelines at a soccer game, chances are they are supporting their dream by working online as a Digital Nomad.


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